
Diversity of ocean microbes

Diversity of ocean microbes: Marine microorganisms viruses, archaea, bacteria, protists and fungi. Currently molecular methods such as 16S, 18S rRNA gene or eDNA metabarcoding and metagenomics are viewed as effective tools for exploring the diversity of marine microbes. Since life on earth originated in the oceans, it is important to study the evolutionary mechanism of these marine microorganisms which are the closest living descendants of the original forms of life. In addition, the composition of marine microbes has been frequently used as environmental, ecological and biodiversity indicators. There are still around half of the predicted genes of unknown function in marine microbial genomes. Exploring the functions of these unknown genes is essential for the understanding of biogeochemical cycles and the development of bioactive compounds.

Genomic sequencing and analysis

Develop and optimize sample preparation for sequencing. With the utilization of a variety of sequencing platforms, sequence the genomes of specific or important marine species in Taiwan’s waters.

Bioinformatics analysis methods and service

Develop and set up a variety of analytic methods, including sequence qualification analysis, genome assembly, gene prediction, comparative genomic analysis, phylogenetic analysis, protein structure prediction, and statistical analysis. Regular workshops will be conducted to promote the established methods, with invited experts sharing their professional experience. The center will also provide bioinformatic analysis and diagnosis services.

Equipment and facilities

(under construction)